Cancer Stem Cells Have a Mind and Character of Their Own

New research on cancer stem cells have brought to light some stunning evidences with regard to birth and generation of cancer cells. Contrary to the initial perception that cancer cells evolve from the cancer stem cells, it has become known that cancer cells can convert from one form of cancer cells to another and do Read more


Russell Means suffering from Cancer

Russell Means has met face to face with Death before.  There  are lots of time wherein he manages to escape death in his lifetime.  Now, he is facing the greatest hindrance in his life since he has  cancer. The Native American actor from cancer of the throat, the cancer has already gotten to his tongue, Read more


Bladder Cancer Risk Increases Multifold Due To Cancer

According to latest research, the risk of bladder cancer increases manifold in people who smoke. While it was known that smoking does increase the risk of cancer, the new reports say that the actual risk of cancer is several times more than that reported in the previous study. The study that was reported on the Read more


Different Hospitals Provide Different Treatments for Thyroid Cancer

According to a latest study by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, the treatment of thyroid cancer differs from one hospital to another and the hospital that a patient chooses can make a lot of difference in the cancer treatment. The study has found that there are several “unexplained factors” that depend on the Read more


Do 15 Minutes Daily Exercise And Extend Your Life By 3 Years

A newly formed large study in Taiwan has suggested “If you wish to do 15 minutes of exercise daily then it can add your 3 years of more lifetimes.” The researchers have also stated in general most of the people are often suffering at the time of maintaining 30 minutes of daily exercise guideline and Read more


Low Oxygen Level Can Be A Major Cause Of Breast Cancer

According to latest research, low oxygen levels in the body can be a major cause of cancer. There is a special gene in the body called BRCA1 that suppresses the growth and development of cancer cells. When oxygen levels in the body recede, this gene gets suppressed and hence, cannot effectively suppress cancer cells. This Read more


Ray of Hope for Prostate Cancer Patients: University Of York Funds Groundbreaking Research

The University of York has received a donation of £2.15m from a cancer charity house to rev up prostate cancer stem cell research. Scientists and researchers at the University will research and analyze the molecular properties of prostate cancer cells and try to find out how  and why they are resistant to treatment, how they behave Read more


Women With Higher Sex Hormone Living With More Chance Of Developing Breast Cancer

A new research has stated that the women, who are living with high levels of protein (called aromatase) in their breasts, are living with high risk of developing breast cancer. This researchers has come out in such a time while many recent breast cancer therapies are targeting both of those processes named as inactivation of Read more


Cancer Patients Can Get Some Relief From Music

A freshly made study has stated that listening to music is quiet well to alive anxiety in cancer patients; on the other hand it always left some positive effects on their mood, quality and pain of life. To make sure about that fact the researchers in the Cochrane systematic review have involved more than 1,891 Read more


Low Radiation CT Scan Can Reduce The Cancer Risk

On Monday a low radiation of CT scan has been launched at the city hospital which is enough being able to reduce the risk of cancer through its controlled radiation. According to the doctors of that Sir Ganga Ram Hospital it is very cleared that this equipment, 128-Slice CT Scanner, is associated with quite potentialities Read more


Oral Sex – The Key Factor Of Throat Cancer

A team of researchers have now made their statement, which has stated that oral sex is the main reason behind throat cancer in the people of under 50 years age, because at the time of doing oral sex a virus spreads into the area of throat, which causes throat cancer. Through out their entire study Read more


Light Exercises Decreases Death Rate for Cancer Patients

People, who have cancer treatments is always advice to take the day off from any work. That was it used to be before a new report claiming that exercise much needed once a patient undergoes cancer treatment. The report known as Move More comes from a compilation of 60 studies on how does exercises affects Read more