Charitable Organizations Ask For Reforms

Forty Charities Come Together Asking For Health Reforms

Charitable organizations, which include Mencap, National Autistic Society, the Patients Association, the British Red Cross, Scope, and the United Response, have urged the government authorities to ensure that patients are provided adequate care and consulting. A joint statement issued by these organizations state that the present proposals do not live up to the expectations created in the government white paper. The representatives of the organizations stated that almost all the patients were confused about the modifications and were unsure about the implications of these reforms. In addition, people are uncertain about the effect of the changes on the quality of the treatment and healthcare.Six Much Required Changes

In the joint statement issued by these charities, they have listed six much required changes to focus at patient care to improve the results of the treatment and empower the clinicians. In addition, the statement said that if the goal of putting patients at the heart of the NHS has to be achieved, the consortia of the general practitioners must ensure that the patients are given the primary priority. The organizations are asking for modifications that will improve health and social care integration. For this, the consortium is asking the government to strengthening the roles of the health and well-being boards and the NHS Commissioning Board.

The Delay In Implementation Should Be Used Effectively

The statement issued by the forty charitable organizations has welcomed the break in the implementation of the reforms. In addition, the organizations say that the delay must be used effectively to improve the Health and Social Care Bill. Mark Goldring, the chief executive at Mencap, said that it was important that the healthcare system is effective for the most vulnerable population of the country. In his statement, Goldring said that the NHS must focus on the susceptible individuals, such as those with a learning disability to ensure that the reforms are effective.

Provide Clarity To Patients

National Autistic Society chief executive, Mark Lever has asked the government authorities to offer further clarity to the patients about the future of the NHS reforms. The Department of Health needs to clearly state what the implications will be for the revised NHS services. Katherine Murphy representing the Patients Association felt that the modifications were being implemented at a fast pace that is making the patients feel that their needs and requirements have not been consulted. Patients are trying to find if there will be a reduction in the waiting time for making an appointment with the general practitioners. The break in the process has been welcomed but officials feel that it will be beneficial only if patients are consulted during this pause and the authorities make the much-required modifications.

Clarification From The Department Of Health

A spokesperson from the Department says that the authorities agree that the focus during the modernization of the NHS services has to be on the patients. However, he said that there have been certain concerns amongst the people and feedback from such organizations will benefit the reforms procedure.