HPV Test is enough to Detect Cervical Cancer

A new test is more effective in determining the two strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) proven more effective than using Pap test.  Researchers believe that the accuracy better than the Pap test alone.

According to researcher at the American Society for Clinical Pathology Institute in Washington, D.C., Philip Castle, women, who are suffering from HPV can use HPV test alone.    It has the same result as the Pap test.

The researchers looked at a DNA-based HPV test, conducted by Roche in 2011 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Castle is unlike other authors since he did not receive any money from his works.  The others are all employees of Roche Molecular Systems.

Under cervical cancer inspection rule issued by the American Cancer Society in 2002 and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2003, women aged 30 or older should undergo both a Pap test and an HPV test. HPV is the most common sexually passed on infection, and some strains of the virus can result to cervical cancer.

Under the  current guidelines, once that the results of both tests are normal, a woman has the option of waiting for three years before having her next Pap test, looking for signs of cancer in cells from the cervix of women.

Whenever a woman tested as HPV positive, the doctor should immediately take action.  Sending the woman for a colposcopy would be a good decision on the part of the doctor.  The doctor works with an instrument that can magnify the cervix and vagina, allowing the doctor to recognize any abnormal areas in the future.   Take action before that are could become worse.

For the study, there were 41,000 women participants, all aged 25 and above. All of the participants  enrolled in 61 studies, in 23 states. Each woman underwent, both test. The researchers found out that those who had irregular cells on the Pap or those who had the standar Paps test, but got a positive result for the HPV   passed on to the a colposcopy.

Additionally, a control group of women who got negative result for both test  also referred to colposcopy.

In all, about 10 percent got a positive result on the HPV test, while there only 6 percent for Paps.  705 of the tested women has precancerous lesions.

Among women who had colposcopy, the HPV test  discovered to be more responsive than the Pap for uncovering the higher-grade lesions.

Though 92 percent of the women that have high-grade precancerous lesions  discovered by HPV, a mere 53.3 percent of those with such lesions  conducted on the Pap test.