New Research Gives Heightened Hope To Cancer Patients With Regard To Treatment

Latest research has laid grounds for an enhanced targeted treatment procedure for cancer patients. The research is headed by Dr. Zeng Qi and carried out at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in A Star. The discovery is being seen as a major landmark in making cancer treatment more effective. The team of scientists has proved wrong the existing theory that only the proteins on the surface of cancer cell are bound by antibodies. This research has brought to light the fact that the antibodies can be used for more pronounced cure and can be made to penetrate through to the intracellular oncoproteins such as PRL-3.Cancer metastasis is one of the most prominent causes for cancer mortalities. This is a term that is used to indicate the aggressive expansion of cancer cells in the body. PRL-3 is a cancer largely linked to development and spread of cancer. It stands for Phosphatase of Regerating Liver 3. The aggression in cancer is largely attributed to the excessive production of this protein in various parts of the body, especially breast, lungs, kidney, bone and liver. So, by targeting this particular protein, the aggressive spread of cancer can be curbed up to a large extent. Study of this protein also helps in better diagnosing and more effective cure for treatment.

The biggest breakthrough that the research has provided is the possibility of using the antibodies to penetrate deeper into cancer cells and target PRL-3. Until now, it was thought that due to the bigger size of antibodies, it is not possible for them to penetrate into the cancer cell members. The new research has provided a possibility of injecting antibodies directly into the cancer cells and killing their aggression.

The possibility was first discovered by Dr. Zeng Qi. He said that the research has caused a lot of excitement in the team since the results have been groundbreaking. This is the first study of the kind that has come up with confirmatory results about the possibility of cure using antibodies. Tests were carried out on mice and it was found that the growth of tumor was reduced by 70 to 90 percent.

The study has provided grounds for customizing cancer treatments based on the condition of the patient. The factors that caused aggression can be controlled in a more effective manner by targeting PRL-3. The study also signifies that a lot of cells and proteins, which were thought to be impenetrable and are associated with the spread of cancer, can be targeted. Steps can be taken to develop vaccinations against the growth of cancer.