A study conducted by the researchers from the University of Queensland`s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences has revealed that to improve the language skills in patients who have survived after stroke stimulating their brains with magnet may be fruitful. Caroline Barwood who led the study has pointed out to significant improvements in language skills of stroke patients ones they go through the process of the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, commonly abbreviated as the TMS.
While discussing about the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation she has stated that it is nothing but a non-invasive method. The goal of the therapy is to improve the language skills by re-organizing the affected brain regions.
The procedure of the therapy is such that a coil that uses electromagnetic induction is placed on the stroke patients’ head. The coil produces low electric currents throughout a magnetic field that keeps on changing. For the sake of the study the researchers chose a number of patients who suffered from stroke between one and six years prior to the study. The study was held in the university`s Centre for Neurogenic Communication Disorders Research.
After the study the researchers group found that as a result of the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation almost eight per cent of patients showed improvement in language expression. They showed expressions in mainly expressive language field including the naming, repetition etc. On the contrary patients who were treated with the traditional placebo TMS did not show any improvement in language skills. From the findings it is clear that the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a really safe, secure and effective treatment to develop language of stroke patients. They have expressed their view that the therapy will open new doors of treatment very soon.
The study results were appeared in The European Journal of Neurology.