Under Five Years Children Need At Least Three Hours Of Exercise A Day

In order to curb the ever growing worldwide obesity of epidemic, the honorable chief medical officer from Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales have bounded themselves together for issuing the new guidelines for the healthy toddler physical activity.

Now, their guidelines suggest that each and every child under the age of five years is highly needed to do exercise at least three hours a day. In this regard they may need to do several kinds of activities including walking for minimum 15 minutes a day, playing, swimming and going to baby gym, in a sentence which encourages them strongly. This guideline additionally suggests even also for the infants, who have not yet begun to walk.

With the sequence to the fact Sally Davies, Chief medical officer of England, stated “Those children who have not yet start walk with their foot, it is very necessary to crawl, play or roll all around the floor during this time.”

The main reasons behind the issuance of these new guidelines are targeting the physical activity of the children under the age of 5 years in hopes for warding off obesity in their later life.

With the sequence to the importance of the early physical activity Davies also noticed “Each and every child under five should be allowed to play at least three hours a day, because it is too much helpful for them to build up the right balance including both physically and mentally. Though, I think there are still many parents who have not yet noticed this fact due to their busy and packed up schedule.”

This new guidelines has come on with the heel of warnings which has also recently issued by the England’s Department of Health after mirroring those issues that happened in United States. It has stated “Due to the sheer number of children, who are facing overweight, for them it has become the only matter at this moment which country like England will go to face. So only the exercise can save these half million young life of under five.”