According to studies conducted on obesity, it has come to light that brain might be the culprit behind triggering food craving. The study was conducted by researchers of the University of Southern California. The lead author of the study, Kathleen A. Page said that it is still uncertain whether the triggering of the craving is as a result of obesity or the triggering is the cause for obesity. In other words, further research is necessary to confirm whether obesity is the cause or the result of brain functioning with regard to food craving. These have also raised doubts regarding some kind of genetic wiring in the body in some people that might cause them to be obese.
Notwithstanding the cause, it is always a good to indulge in exercises and eat controlled food in order to maintain normal blood sugar. Food intake should be regulated based on the rate of body metabolism. It has been known that energy levels in the body are fluctuate at different times of the day based on blood sugar level, which are low during morning hours, following lunch and intake of high calorie food. Since body uses energy to digest these fatty foods, general energy level of the body experiences a slump. The present study focuses on finding out whether the fluctuation of blood sugar and energy levels in the body are different for obese people. MRI scanners were used to study the response of brain in 14 people out of whom, 9 were in the normal body mass index range and the remaining 5 were in the obese range.
Variations were made in the blood sugar level and the difference in response in obese and non obese people was recorded. During the scan, images of low sugar and high sugar foods were shown to the volunteers. Marked differences were found in brain response for both sets of people. There is a section of the brain, known as Prefrontal Cortex, which helps people resist the temptation to eat. It was found that obese people has lower activity in this region and hence, found it harder to resist food. This low response of prefrontal cortex was found when the blood sugar level was in the normal range. When blood sugar levels fell below normal, the activity decreased further, thus causing a craving to eat. This research will lead to new ways of effective obesity treatments. Experts from various institutes have lauded the relevancy of the report in the current world where obesity is on an alarmingly rise.