Hypertension Medication Before Bedtime Rather Than In The Morning Yields Better Results

According to latest researches, it is better and less risky to consume medication for hypertension before going to bed in the night rather than the normal practice of having it in the morning. Nighttime usage of medication reduces risk of cardiac problems and strokes. The research was conducted by Spanish researchers. Statistics reveal that one-third of Read more


Bacteria In The Gut Influence The Effectiveness Of Statins In Controlling Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most common problems in people today and statins have proved to be highly successful in controlling the amount of cholesterol in the body. However, the drug does not seem to function so well for some people as for others. According to latest research, the culprit behind this fluctuating behavior of Read more


Use Of Certain Commonly Used Antibiotics Can Cause Serious Repercussions

Latest research has unearthed certain facts about trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, which is an antibiotic used commonly since 1968. The study says that consumption of this medicine can have serious reactions in the body. The study also says that doctors should be aware of the dangers before prescribing the medicine. This is an antibiotic that is used Read more


Drug Used To Treat Kidney Cancer Increases Survival Rates In Breast Cancer Patients

A drug used to treat kidney cancer, Afinitor, has proved effective in improving the survival rates in women suffering from breast cancers. The treatment combines the use of Afinitor along with hormonal therapy. The results were found to double the survival rate and reduce the risk of cancer progression up to 57%. This increase was Read more


Researchers found an enzyme that could cure alcohol and nicotine addiction

Researchers found a particular enzyme that might play a vital role in treating smoking and alcohol addiction.   The researchers conducted the study on the mice, wherein they manage to find the particular enzyme.  They believe that this could play a vital role in developing a drug that could treat alcoholism and smoking at the same Read more


Gene that affects Chronic Pain now discovered

Researchers discovered the gene responsible for producing chronic pain. They believe that this would lead to making a drug that could treat the diseases for a longer time. A group of researchers from the University of Cambridge had removed the HCN2 gene from pain-sensitive nerves in mice.  They find out that removing the gene would Read more


New Drugs For Multiple Sclerosis Are Expensive

New biologic drugs According to a new study, the newer generation of biologic drugs is beneficial to patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. However, the medications are not cost-effective in comparison to some of the more basic treatments available, as these new drugs are found to be very expensive. However, this not means that patients suffering Read more