Child who has a smoking parent got a higher chance of getting ear infections

Children who got a smoker for a parent has a high risk of getting their ear infected.

Researchers claim that whenever a smoker parent light their cigarette, they also increases the chances of their child to get infected with recurrent ear infections or related problems.

The findings based come from a combination 61 studies in the past.  About, the previous never prove the connection between ear infection and smoking researchers assumed that that is the case grown-up who get an ear infection has a smoking parent.

Dr. Michael Weitzman, the guy involved in the studies of the effects of parental smoking at New York University Medical Center as well as not involved in the study says the research is impressive since the ear infections causes too much pain the ear.

Weitzman told Reuters Health that the study stressed the impact of smoking parents to their children.

The study indicated that a child who lives with someone, who smoke has a 37 percent higher risk of any “internal ear disease,” which includes ear infections and hearing difficulty — and a 62 percent higher risk if the smoker inside the house is the  mother.

One a mother smoke, their child gets 86 percent chances of undergoing ear surgery, so that ear infection could be treated.  This includes regular ear infections, than if the house does not have a smoker living in it.

The study claims that most children already got an ear infection by the time that they reach three.

Dr. Joseph DiFranza, a tobacco researcher from the University Of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, said that a rise in the risk of surgery is troublesome.

He added that ear infection is a common problem; however, the real problem arises when the child undergoes treatment since it is terribly painful.

Experts believe that secondhand smoke is the culprit behind the inflammation of the ear.   When that happens, the water that leaks up could attract several bacteria that reproduce in the ear.

Kathleen Daly, who studies ear infections at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. That living with a smoker says she is sure that there were kids, who are not going to develop ear infection despite leaving with a smoking parent.  However, the chances of the children developing ear infection are higher compared to the child that leaves with no smoker in the house.

The review’s authors, Laura Jones of the University of Nottingham in England, claimed that  secondhand smoke could  result to ear infections, about 130,000 of close to 2 million middle ear diseases in UK kids in 2008 would because their parents never take the necessary precautions to stay away from smoking.