Images like corpse as well as cancerous lungs and including other nine graphics warning will be added with the cigarette packets in the U.S from the next year, which the tobacco companies already start placing.
In this respect Food and Drug Administration said “The labels need to be placed under a 2 year old tobacco law in order to convey the health effects of smoking, also including of pictures like rotting teeth as well as a man who exhaling his smoking habits through a hole in his neck.” FDA has already selected the nine images from the 36 which they proposed last year.
None of the cigarette can be sold in the country of US without this warning after 22 October 2012. So this can be say that a big part of the biggest tobacco marketing rules will change in a quarter century. Here is not over, each pack must carry one of these nine labels along with a suitable text “Smoking can kill you” and the entire graphics must have to place at the cover or at the top half of the front and back of any cigarette packets.
At White House Briefing, Kathleen Sebelius, The Health And Human Services Secretary, described “The labels will be the most effective as well as the toughest tobacco health warnings in the history of this country.” Also he added “With these warnings all the person who picks up a packet of cigarette will know exactly what risk they will be taking with it.”
Near about 21% of adults or approx 46 million people in US are smoking cigarette daily as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated.