A recent study has shown that the sense of equality and humanity not only differs in us, but also differs in babies. These senses draw the character sketch of an adult human being in a very little age. According to the study these senses grow in babies at the age of 15 months. From that very age they start to feel , what is fair and what is not.
The study conducted under the supervision of researchers at University of Washington discloses that from that very age of only 15 months babies start to differentiate between equal and unequal distributions and they also express their amazement, whenever they notice unfair distribution of food or drink in front of them.
The researchers group randomly selects some babies and offered them to watch a video that contained the distribution of milk and crackers. Then they observed the reactions of the babies and found that they all expressed their amazement seeing that one person was receiving more crackers and milk than another person. It proved that they expected equal distribution. The head of the group, DR. Jessica Sommerville said that the sense of equality and humanity grow in a speed in them that we cannot think of.
The study has also found that the different senses of equality and humanity among the babies were related to their eagerness of sharing a toy. The study result shows that among all the babies one third babies were willing to share their fav toy with other baby, another one third were found to share their less preferred toy and the rest one third did not found to share anything. Sommerville also drew our attention to the fact that babies , who were more interested in equal distribution were more likely to share.