Herbal Remedy Is Enough Potential To Beat Brain Cancer

Indirubin can be classified as an herbal compound, which is generally used in the field of traditional Chinese remedies and is quite being able to beat any form of deadly brain tumours.

The main resources of Indirubin are Indigo plant and then a Dang Gui Long Hui Wan formula is used in order to treat that chronic myeloid leukemia. So, by keeping the link with that fact the researchers from the OSUCCC or Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Centre has discovered this new medicine Indirubin, which is a compound that is enough being able to blocks migration of endothelial cells and glioblastoma cells by preventing them from the cancerous blood vessels.

In this regard The Journal Cancer Research has reported that Every year near about 18,500 American are becoming the victims of this disease and of them near about 13,000 are killed yearly. So, it can be say the most lethal and common form of the brain cancer malignancy. The average period of survival from this disease is 15 months after diagnosis.

E. Antonio Chiocca, professor in neurological surgery at Ohio and a co-principal investigator of this research, has stated “We have invented some pretty good methods in order to stop glioblastoma from growing in the area of human brain, but all of these are failed because usually the tumour cells migrate from its original state and grow anywhere in the brain.”

Ohio statement has stated “The entire finding of ours’ suggests that Indirubin is quite being able to prevent these tumors by a novel therapeutic strategy, which simultaneously targets the tumour angiogenesis and invasion.”

Angiogenesis can be referred as a process of improving the growth of new blood vessels from the pre existing blood vessels.