Malaria Might Have A Novel Cure :-It Works For Mice

Mosquito menace is the root for several diseases all over the world. Diseases such as malaria are common and often, life threatening unless treated on time. In any case, malaria is considered one of the main hazards to health. For a long time now, researchers have been trying to find a new cure for malaria that will be more effective as well as therapeutic. Latest research has now broken grounds for a new approach that has a more promising treatment for the problem. Tests have been carried out on mice and the result has proved very effective. Researchers say that the same cure can be adopted for human beings after further tests and experiments. The research was headed by Hernando del Portillo and the team belonged to the Barcelona Centre for International Health Research.

They carried out the experiments on mice. The objective was to identify the function of proteins present in small vesicles called exosomes, which result from different kinds of mammalian cells. According to the results of the research, vesicles extend immunity to the body from a lot of infections. This characteristic of the vesicles can be used for innovative ways of treating malaria. The effect that these exosomes can have in treating malaria was not studied previously. The research has revealed that exosomes that are obtained from reticulocyte, called rex, play a role in malarial infections. It was also found that by using these parasite proteins that contain the exosome rex can be effectively used to increase the immunity of the body against the parasite.

Malarial is caused by the female anopheles mosquito and is rampant all over the world, especially in the African and some of the Asian countries. If the disease can be effectively treated using the new rex approach, a lot of lives can be saved. The good news is that this can be possible by using the new approach that increases the resistance of the body against the disease. When the new approach was adopted against mice, it was found 85% effective in lending full immunity against the infection. However, researchers said that further experiments are required before testing the procedure on humans. It has largely been tested on mice and is found to be effective. The research works towards providing protection against the parasite P.vivax, which is the main parasite responsible for the disease. The parasite has a unique mechanism and finding immunity against it can go a long way in lending protection from the disease.