Poor People have a higher risk of Developing Heart Disease

It is said that being poor is a crime since poor people can not take care of themselves.  Usually, those people with less education and lower incomes are much more prone to developing a heart disease compared to the wealthier and better-educated people.

According to the journal BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, the results also show the danger persists even with long-term progress in tackling traditional risk issues such as smoking, high-blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol.

Lead Researcher, Professor Peter Franks, believe that being poor or having less than education in High school contributes to the growing risk obtaining cardiovascular diseases in the future.   People with low socioeconomic status need to have their heart-disease meter manage more assertively.

Through the use, of data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, instigators of the latest study included data on more than 12,000 people with age ranging from 45 to 64 years, which are living in North Carolina, Mississippi, Minnesota, and Maryland. Participants shared their education and income levels in 1987, and then over the course of 10 year long year study  regularly assessed for heart-disease diagnoses and alterations in their risk factors, which includes cholesterol, blood pressure, and smoking.

The results pointed out that people with lower socioeconomic status had a 50 percent greater chance of developing heart disease than other study participants.

Franks claimed that people with low socioeconomic status have a higher risk of developing heart disease and other health problems.  The reason is that they are not aware of the risk and does not have any knowledge about cardiovascular diseases.

This study demonstrated for the first time that the intensified risk endured despite long-term improvements in other risk factors, which indicates that access and adherence could not account for the differences.

pFranks noted that earlier studies could explain the association between low socioeconomic status and increased heart-disease risk. Social difficulties and misfortune in childhood may result in lasting adaptations to stress that contributes to having a heart disease since the heart could not function as normal.  Increasing effects of social difficulty all through the lifespan could also cause an even greater damage on the cardiovascular system.

Franks encourage for involving socioeconomic status in the Framingham risk assessment, a tool based on results from the Framingham Heart Study, commonly used in determining treatments for heart-disease prevention. He indicates that health-care providers in the United Kingdom already believe that  socioeconomic status to determine health care plans.

Doctors could, for example, slowly increase the dosage of cholesterol-lowering drugs to reflect the higher risk  imposed by the socioeconomic status.  Such changes like this would be easy to apply, and the benefits could consider noteworthy.