Data collected after analyzing samples from European Diabetes Prevention Study (EDIPS) have shown that the PreDx Diabetes Risk Score (DRS) is significantly lowered by lifestyle intervention. This indicates that the person has low risks of developing diabetes in the future. The same data has also shown that people with very high DRS, i.e. those at high risk of suffering from diabetes also got great benefits by following intensive lifestyle intervention. PreDx DRS has been developed by Tethys. It gives the probability of developing diabetes in the span of the next 5 years. It has proved to be more accurate in predicting the occurrence of diabetes than its counterparts. This test helps in identifying patients who are at the risk of incurring diabetes and can benefit from the life intervention. It also assists in monitoring and improving the outcomes of the treatment given.
Professor Jaakko Tuomilehto, MD, PhD, University of Helsinki presented the data at the 2011 American Diabetes Association 71st Scientific Sessions, being held in San Diego, in a poster which was titled “Changes in a Diabetes Risk Score Due to Intensive Lifestyle Intervention in the European Diabetes Prevention Study (EDIPS). Professor Tuomilehto believes that DRS has the potential of becoming a very valuable and important component of a diabetes intervention program. Mickey S. Urdea, PhD, chairman and chief scientific officer of Tethys, says that the data have clinically demonstrated that if a person is able to lower the PreDx DRS in the short term then it guarantees a reflection of this in actually decreasing the chances of developing diabetes in the long term. He also said that further studies are required to show the potential of DRS when used in medical practice. Such studies will help in the distinction and categorization of people of the basis of their DRS. Also it will be possible to develop better methods to help people to follow lifestyles which will delay or restrict the progress of diabetes.
The score of PreDx DRS range from less than one to 10. The score 5 signifies a risk of 3.4%. Important results of the study were:
- After a treatment of 1year one could reduce the DRS by 10% by following intensive lifestyle intervention.
- DRS could predict the development of diabetes better than the other conventional methods.
- Those who were categorized into the high risk category showed a reduction of 33% in the DRS by following lifestyle intervention.