Surgeons in Sweden have done this miracle, they already have performed the world’s first synthetic organ transplant, which can be say an artificial windpipe transplanted, in the body of a cancer patient.
Eventually, the entire procedure don’t even need for a donor and it is completely risk free because there should not be any fear of the organ being rejected. The surgeons in Sweden have also declared in the present infrastructure the windpipe can easily be made within a few days.
This above surgery has performed at the Karolinska University Hospital under the honorable guidance of an Italian Professor Paolo Macchiarini.
With the sequence to the fact Macchiarini has also told BBC “I am now thinking to use this technique for treating a nine month old child of Korea, who was born along with a malformed trachea or windpipe.”
Moreover, Scientist at the University College London were performed a 3D scan on Andemariam Teklesenbet Beyene, a 36 years old African patient and with the help of the images they were now being able to craft a suitable and perfect copy of Beyene’s trachea as well as out of glass the two main bronchi.
There after the it had flown to Sweden and soaked with the help of a solution of stem cells which they took from the patient’s bone marrow. With the sequence to the fact after two days, this millions holes in the porous of windpipe had been fully seeded within the patient own tissue.
Dr. Alex Seifalian and his team mates used this fragile structure for creating this replacement for these patents, whose own windpipe was damaged by an inoperable tumor. In this case they also done 12 hours of operation and had removed all the tumor and the diseased windpipe and had put a tailor-made replica at that same place.
Moreover, this 36 years old patients with existing cancer had responded well after this hard operation.
Macchiarini also said “Other parts or organ in the body can be replaced in the same way.”