Indian Plant Extracts Can Be Used To Treat Bacterial Infections

A group of researchers from the Rohtak in India conducting a study recently has claimed that wild plants found in Indian forests and mountains can fight mouth infections caused by bacteria or fungal attack in oral cancer patients. For the sake of their study they examined the extracts of some Indian plants that are used Read more


Multiple Sclerosis Might Be Triggered By Friendly Bacteria In The Gut

There are more than a hundred million bacteria in the human gut. They are distributed among 2000 different species and help in digestion and absorption of food in the gut. While these bacteria are considered friendly and necessary for gastrointestinal functions, new research has now revealed a different side. The friendly bacteria in the gut Read more


Bacteria In The Gut Influence The Effectiveness Of Statins In Controlling Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most common problems in people today and statins have proved to be highly successful in controlling the amount of cholesterol in the body. However, the drug does not seem to function so well for some people as for others. According to latest research, the culprit behind this fluctuating behavior of Read more


Birth Place Affect Chances Of A Babies’ Being Allergic

A recent study says that the place where a baby takes birth and the process of how it takes birth may determine whether he will suffer from any allergy or asthma or he will not face any such problem. Researchers comes to know that the babies, who were born in hospitals and specially, who are Read more


Fluorescent Polymers To Treat Bacterial Skin Infections

A new breakthrough has been achieved in the field of treatments skin infections. A team of scientists belonging to the University of Sheffield have created polymers that glow with fluorescence if bacteria are present in the wound on skin. This method can be very helpful in understanding the intensity of bacterial infection since the glow Read more