Alginates Lead To Weight Loss

Researchers at the Faculty of Life Sciences or LIFE at University of Copenhagen after a recent study has claimed that dietary fibers found in brown algae make people less hungry and that in turn make people to shed some weight. The dietary fibers found in brown algae are known as alginates. Those dietary fibers, according Read more


Gastric bypass is more effective than gastric banding

Gastric bypass and gastric banding are two of the top choices among ways to reduce some weight.  However, according to a recent study, the first one is better than the latter since it helps the patient to resist food. Dr. Tony Goldstone and his associates had followed had conducted surveys on patients who have undergone Read more


Factors That Affect Obesity

It is a known fact that obese people wanted to lose weight.  However, they have a hard time doing so because they lack the will to do it. Yes, that what people thinks in the old days, but because this is the modern age people should know better than that.  Obese people must have been Read more


Skipping Daily Breakfast can have Fatal Results!

In the modern life, because of the busy work, people start to give less and less attention to the breakfast. There are even a lot of people who always go to work without having breakfast. The truth is breakfast is the most important meal during the whole day. If you do not eat breakfast for Read more