A recent study has revealed that a Japanese TV campaigning program to spread awareness among people about the symptoms of stroke made Japanese women aware but failed to reach Japanese men.
Before the study researchers selected nearly 2000 Japanese adult men and women and found that 51 per cent of them were aware of the danger signs of stroke. After the one year TV campaign they again called them back and found that the percentage of aware adults increased to 63 per cent. All over the study women performed better than men. Before the study and also after the study there were more aware women then aware men. The study showed that women were more interested about keeping good health and also to know details about health than men.
Dr. Andrew Russman who is a neurologist at the Harris Stroke Center at Henry Ford Hospital has mentioned in his speech to the Reuters Health that because of the attentive attitude toward health women paid more attention to the campaign. But it is still unveiled why men did not paid attention to the ads.
In the time of stroke blood supply to a particular area of brain actually decreases. If the supply does not get normal as soon as possible it can cause brain damage and even death. According to the researchers it is very much needed that people understand all these signs of stroke to get faster treatment.
According to the survey of American Heart Association every year nearly 800,000 American people experience new or repeat stroke. That is why it has become very much necessary to make people aware of the symptoms. Experts believe that spreading aware by TV campaign will be considered as an effective way soon. They are also expecting that in this way death rate because of stroke will soon be decreased.