Treatment of Hormonal Imbalance thru Natural Ways!

You must have heard that the Hormonal imbalance or disorder has been one of the major causes of different health problems. One of the most commonly affected systems in our body because of this situation is our reproductive system. The majority of the time, hormonal unevenness can have an negative effect on the couples in Read more


Testosterone, The Male Hormone Takes A Beating Due To Lack Of Sleep

Testosterone declines due to lack of sleep Researchers of the Unites States of America have established a direct correlation between lack of sleep and declining amount of testosterone. Men who did get a minimum of five hours of sleep for a week were found to have reduced testosterone levels in their bodies. The study was Read more


Growth Hormone – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Pituitary Tumour

GROWTH HORMONE You will also be familiar with the disease caused by lack of insulin – diabetes – and with the conditions caused by too much or too little hormone – dwarfism and gigantism. Growth during the first eight to ten months of life is largely controlled by food intake, but growth hormone then becomes Read more


Atrophy and Tuberculosis of Adrenal Glands Relation to Addison’s disease

ADRENAL GLANDS John F. Kennedy suffered from Addison’s disease, in which the cortex of the adrenal glands atrophy, resulting in life-threatening deficiencies of Cortisol and aldosterone. Up until 1940, Addison’s disease was invariably fatal, but it was then discovered that it could be treated with cortisone. Kennedy was diagnosed by a London doctor in 1947, Read more


Thyroid Gland – Hormone Effect, Iodine Deficiency, Goitre (Thyroid Swelling), Cretinism

THYROID GLAND Diseases that are caused by too much or too little hormone are still common. For instance about 700 million people worldwide are estimated to have a goitre, an enlargement of the thyroid gland that is seen as a big lump on the front of the neck. Iodine is essential to the production of Read more


Hormones Factors in Fetus Gender and Child Future Development

You don’t have to believe that men come from Mars and women from Venus to appreciate that there’s a difference between the way that men and women think and act. It’s obvious right from the very start, as any parent knows. Boys and girls are simply different. It’s not simply gender stereotyping to say that Read more


Hormone Receptors and Estrogen Receptors in Human Body

All hormones have a final destination – an individual cell which the hormone has to instruct – and so another key part of the endocrine system is receptors. The surfaces of cells are covered with these receptors, which you can think of as docking bays. They are needed because most hormones can’t pass through the Read more