Constipation in Children – Diagnosis and Treatment

If your child has mild constipation that is readily resolved with dietary changes, prune juice, a rectal thermometer, or over-the-counter treatments, no tests need to be done. However, if the constipation is not easily treatable, or if it wors­ens despite attempts to treat it, tests should be done. An X ray can show how much Read more


Boosting Your Child’s Immune System with Vaccines

Vaccines, also called immunizations, are designed to boost your child’s immune system against specific infectious agents, protecting him from serious and sometimes life-threatening dis­eases. Vaccines come in many varieties. Some are lab-manufactured replicas of a piece of a bacterium or virus. These are called recombinant vaccines. Others are made by attaching proteins to parts of Read more


Treating Cancer with Chemotherapy – Procedures and Drugs Used during Chemotherapy

Surgery and radiotherapy deal with cancers directly at the site of the tumor ; chemotherapy differs in that it is a generalized treat­ment that affects the whole body. By the nature of the disease, cancer almost invariably spreads to other organs unless the rogue cells are destroyed, so it is necessary where possible to kill Read more


Fertility in Older Women – Does Age Affects Infertility ?

A patient called the office, irate because of a medical coding issue that revolved around her age. When we received the phone message from one of the office billing staff, we wondered what on earth the patient could be upset about, as we had routinely referred her to a high-risk specialist (maternal fetal medicine). She Read more


Dietary Intakes During Pregnancy

A healthy diet and lifestyle can help to overcome many pregnancy-associated conditions and complement a natural approach to health. What you eat and what you do can have a profound effect on your baby’s development—especially during the first four weeks after conception — often before you are even aware you are pregnant. Research suggests that Read more


Colon Cancer Treatment – How Effective Is Colostomy Stoma

Fewer people now leave hospital with a permanent colostomy than in the past. When a section of bowel is removed from the intestine the surgeon will aim to join the two ends of healthy tissue togeth­er. If this is not possible, a false opening (stoma) is made onto the outside of the abdominal wall to Read more