According to a new study, that concerns the benefits of aspirin on cancer. Daily intake of two aspirin for two years cuts long term colon cancer risk by 60% in those who have a family connection with this disease. Recently there’s been intense debate regarding taking aspirin daily as it ups the chance to develop ulcers along with internal bleeding. However, it is also well-known Read more
Archive : Colon Cancer
Detecting Colon Cancer at an early stage
Cancer is one of the diseases that are hard to control so it would be better if it could be detected at an early stage. One cancer, which progresses slowly, and unnoticeable is colon cancer. However, early findings and medication for this cancer type is very important. A good knowledge about the symptoms of colon cancer helps to avoid the fatality of the disease through earlier therapy. Detecting colon Read more
Updating Family History of Cancer is Necessary
Family history important to analyze the risk One of the most important methods to determine the risk of an individual suffering from cancer is through his/her family history. This is especially true to identify your riskiness to cancers, such as breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Now, a study has found that intimating your doctor about Read more
Wanna Survive Colon Cancer ?? Get Married – Experts Says !
Marriage has come over with a booster pack now, US researchers Sven Wilson and Li Wang based on the analysis conducted on huge patient group mentioned in their report that men as well as women have better and equal chances of surviving colon cancer if they are married.
Colon Cancer Treatment – How Effective Is Colostomy Stoma
Fewer people now leave hospital with a permanent colostomy than in the past. When a section of bowel is removed from the intestine the surgeon will aim to join the two ends of healthy tissue together. If this is not possible, a false opening (stoma) is made onto the outside of the abdominal wall to Read more