Women Who Deliver Tiny Babies Develop Poor Health after Childbirth

Research has found that mothers of babies who are born with poor health suffer after childbirth as much as the babies do. According to a research conducted in the University of Winconsin-Madison, the team of researchers has found that the health of mothers who deliver tiny babies is much worse when compared to mothers who Read more


Children of People Who Took Chemotherapy in Their Childhood Remain Safe

Latest studies have shown that children born to people who underwent chemotherapy treatment in their childhood are not at a higher risk of being born with defects when compared to children of people who did not under such treatments. The results of this study come as a reassurance for all those who have worried about Read more


Alginates Lead To Weight Loss

Researchers at the Faculty of Life Sciences or LIFE at University of Copenhagen after a recent study has claimed that dietary fibers found in brown algae make people less hungry and that in turn make people to shed some weight. The dietary fibers found in brown algae are known as alginates. Those dietary fibers, according Read more


Breast Cancer Drugs Cause Serious Side Effects That Make Women Give Up Treatment

A proactive study that involved interviewing women with breast cancer through questionnaires proved that the side effects of cancer drugs can be so harsh that patients prefer to live without treatment. A lot of women stop treatment halfway due to the undesirable side effects. As per reports, nearly 36% of the women who undergo cancer Read more


Clues to Human Emotions Found Through the Emotions of Rats and Mice

According to a study undertaken by a researcher from Washington State University, clues to human emotions can be revealed through the emotions of rats and mice. Understanding the mental infrastructure that functions behind the emotions of these creatures can unravel the mystery of human humans. Some of the major emotions that can be understood are Read more


Tomatoes Can Provide Shield Against Heart Diseases

The beautiful red and fresh vegetable namely Tomato is good for reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels and thus prevents developing heart diseases, a recent study has mentioned.  So not only for taste but also for its nutrient values tomatoes should be considered in diet, the researchers have suggested.


Starch Intake Might Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

According to the latest research, increased consumption of starch can increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence in women. The researchers said specifically that it was not the carbohydrates content in general in the food but starch that is particularly dangerous for increasing the risk of breast cancer. The lead researcher of the study Jennifer Read more


Low-Carbohydrate Diet Results In Reduction Of Breast Cancer Risk

A recent study conducted by the researchers at the Genesis Prevention Centre at University Hospital in South Manchester in England has claimed that low carbohydrate diets can lead to weight loss, reduction of blood sugar levels and also cuts down the risk of developing breast cancer. The study has claimed that low carbohydrate diet is Read more


Cryotherapy Produces Better Results than Infrared Treatment for Muscle Recovery

Latest research has revealed that cryotherapy is the best way to help athletes recover their muscle injuries. In many cases, athletes suffer a number of musculoskeletal injuries due to the rigorous physical activity and exercise that they undertake. Although a number of ways of healing these injuries are used, the most effective of them was Read more