The Dangers of Not Vaccinating Your Child

Most people choose to vaccinate their children, yet a recent report by the CDC regarding immunization rates among toddlers, shows that many parents are opting out of certain vaccines. Their choice is linked to rising numbers of measles and whooping cough cases, though of course, poor vaccination affects more than your child; it also puts Read more


Daily Exercise Prevents Sleeping Disorder

A group of researchers after a recent study has claimed that daily exercise helps teenagers to sleep tightly at night. The study has also claimed that using computers more than two hours a day can cut down the average sleeping time of teenagers. Researchers ran the study over 15,000 high school students and found that Read more


Obesity In Adulthood Can Be Avoided By Drinking Low Fat Milk In Childhood

Obesity is one of the major health risks in today’s world. The rate of obesity is alarmingly increasing among children and teenagers. According to latest reports, drinking adequate low fat milk during childhood can help significantly in fighting obesity in adulthood. While the importance of milk was stressed upon by health experts in order to Read more