The link between mobile phones and cancer

According to the latest announcement of WHO (world health organization) regarding the potential dangers of cell phone radiation, people from all over the world got concerned, especially those people, who uses cell phones in their daily lives. Now, everyone wonders if the they are safe whenever they used their cell phones. The question of whether some brands of cell phones Read more


Cellphone don’t increase cancer threat

According to a Danish research, the 5 billion people internationally chatting away on cell phones should not worry about a heightened risk of brain cancer. One of the largest and longest studies on the subject discovers an end to brain tumors among people who had cell phones over 17 years compared to those people, who Read more


Cell Phone Is Not Linked To Brain Tumours

According the latest fact a new Danish study has stated that using cell phone has made no longer relationship with the brain tumor. In the purpose of the study the researchers included near about 2.9 million dances, who participated in this study to justify this purpose over more than 11 years. The entire results of Read more