Metformin Lowers Ovarian Cancer Risk

After a recent study researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland have claimed that a commonly used drug by the patients of type 2 diabetes reduces the risk of developing Ovarian Cancer. The drug named the metformin cuts down the risk of ovarian cancer, reported the researcher. For the sake of the study they Read more


Alcohol Metabolism In The Body Increases Risk Of Breast Cancer

Latest studies have shown that consumption of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer since metabolism of acetaldehyde present in alcohol causes damage to DNA. Besides breast cancer, the other major risk is that of liver cancer. Strong links have been found between alcohol metabolism and cancer risk. The study was undertaken by the National Read more


New Research Gives Heightened Hope To Cancer Patients With Regard To Treatment

Latest research has laid grounds for an enhanced targeted treatment procedure for cancer patients. The research is headed by Dr. Zeng Qi and carried out at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in A Star. The discovery is being seen as a major landmark in making cancer treatment more effective. The team of scientists Read more