Anger Management and Mental Health

Anger can be compared with anxiety. People who suffer from anger management problems is frequently highly anxious and worried. Most of these people belong to the highly functioning groups who expect a lot from themselves and a lot from those whom they hang out with. Anger management problems are just common in everyday life. Most of these people have very high levels of either comprehensive anxiety or social anxiety. These 2 types Read more


Social Media Presents a Good and Bad Effect for Teenagers

Social media have both negative and positive impact among users. A person who uses Internet more frequently has some mental disorder.  The positive effect for using such technology is that those people, who prefer to communicate through social media shows more concern for their online peers than people, who are not into social media. Psychology Read more


Intake of Antidepressants by Expecting Mothers Can Cause Autism in the Baby

Depressed mother on antidepressants increase autism risk in baby According to a study conducted by a team of researchers in Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, expecting mothers should stay away from antidepressants since the drugs might cause autism in babies. The study team was lead by Lisa A. Croen. The survey that took into consideration Read more