Training With Simulator Gets Higher Marks For Medical Students In Obstetric Studies

In the recent times, it has been found that there has been a sharp decline in mothers who undergo normal deliveries. C-sections are on a rise. A number of factors have been attributed to this unfortunate increase. Reasons range from complications in pregnancy to personal choice of mothers who prefer to go under the knife Read more


Smokers, who suffers from mental illness need someone to help them quit smoking

People suffering from mental illness, who are also a chain smoker, are five times more likely to quitting smoking with the aid of someone. According to research from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Centre, those people who has a mental problem can benefit from smoking-cessation counseling provided by their initial care physicians as this results Read more


Timing And Tempo Of Puberty In Girls Are Not As Intrinsically Related As In Boys

According to latest studies, scientists have found a correlation between early puberty and changes in behavior such irritability, depression and anxiety. The study was carried out by scientists of University of California and Duke University. Researchers have also pointed out a very important aspect of puberty – tempo. This refers to the pace at which Read more


Breast And Ovarian Cancer Can Be Genetic – Gene Responsible For Mutation Discovered

Not much has been known so far about the mechanisms in genetic play that leads to breast and ovarian cancers. However, this deficiency in knowledge has been covered by a team from Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center. As per this latest research, it has been shown that breast and ovarian cancers can result from Read more


Add Tomato on your Diet for a Healthy Life

If you want to be healthy, then you should always include a ripe tomato on your basket whenever you are going to the wet market.  It is better if you are going to buy it from a local farmer’s market, but if is not available then you could grab the best tomato on in the Read more


Walnuts Can Provide Protection Against Breast Cancer

According to latest research by the researchers of Marshall University, consumption of walnuts can act as an antidote against the dreaded breast cancer in women. The research was carried out under the leadership of Dr. Elaine Hardman from the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University. Tests conducted on mice showed a significant reduction Read more


Firefighters Involved In 9/11 Rescue Operations More Exposed To Cancer Risks

A saddening fact that has come to light following latest research is that firefighters who were involved in fighting the World Trade Center disaster on 9/11 are more exposed to risk of contacting cancer. The reason is being attributed to be the presence of toxic clouds that were produced when the twin towers collapsed. The Read more


Stem cell treatment passed the initial safety test

The use of brain stem cell for stroke patients has passed its initial test.   Now, researchers are going forward with the next test. An independent evaluation, of the first three patients injected with the stem cells in their brain at Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital has presumed that the stem cell does not have any harmful Read more


A coral that can used to block UV rays

Reports claim that there is a topical coral in Australia that has the genetic compound to fight UV rays. When the fish eats the coral, the compound gets absorbed by the fish.   Researchers think that this could help people be protected from the rays of the sun in the long run. Researchers are planning to Read more


New Study On Breast Cancer Suggests Starving Cancer Cells As A Cure

As the incidence of breast cancer among women is on an alarming increase, a number of studies are taking place in order to find means of curbing the disease and growth of tumor. According to latest studies, one of the most effective ways of controlling the spread of cancer is to starve the cells of Read more


MRI Can Help Predict Survival In Rectal Cancer Patients

MRI is a very important test that helps in evaluating the patient’s response to chemotherapy before surgery. Latest studies have now shown that MRI, short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, can also be used to predict survival in cancer patients and hence, can be used to alter the intensity of therapy. The study was conducted in Read more


Measles Can Save Cancer Patients

Latest cancer studies have found a very interesting and possibly effective cure for tumors. According to researchers in Canada, the virus that causes measles can be effectively targeted on tumors and reduce the risk of cancer. The suggestion has been made after substantial research and study. The working of measles virus is interesting. It attaches Read more