After a recent study researchers from Chile has mentioned in some cases if children, already having high levels of hemoglobin in blood are fed iron fortified formula, show weaker performance in thinking and memory test in comparison with children who get low iron formula. According to the study result published in the Archives of Pediatrics Read more
Archive : Children
Eating Habits Of Children Are Largely Influenced By Ads
According to a latest study, the television has a major impact on the food habits of children. The kinds of foods children eat and the number of calories they consume is largely influenced by what they watch on the television. Unfortunately, however, the ads nowadays are said to having a bad impact on children since Read more
Obesity In Adulthood Can Be Avoided By Drinking Low Fat Milk In Childhood
Obesity is one of the major health risks in today’s world. The rate of obesity is alarmingly increasing among children and teenagers. According to latest reports, drinking adequate low fat milk during childhood can help significantly in fighting obesity in adulthood. While the importance of milk was stressed upon by health experts in order to Read more
Under Five Years Children Need At Least Three Hours Of Exercise A Day
In order to curb the ever growing worldwide obesity of epidemic, the honorable chief medical officer from Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales have bounded themselves together for issuing the new guidelines for the healthy toddler physical activity.