Obesity Gets a New Drug – Those Which Treat Tumors

A drug that is used to suppress tumors of colorectal cancer can help in fighting obesity, as per latest reports. Obesity is fast turning out to be an epidemic. With an increase in sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and food habits and low physical activity, obesity is turning out to as major a risk as heart Read more


New Zealand Government Faces Criticism for Inaction on Obesity and Diabetes

New Zealand has alarmingly high rates of obesity and diabetes. Close to 12 top rung health experts today have criticized the country’s unfruitful efforts to control the diseases. The one dozen strong groups of health and medical experts have sent an open letter on Saturday to the New Zealand Medical Journal, warning them of the Read more


Weight Loss Can Solve Erectile Dysfunction Problems in Obese Diabetic Men

According to latest studies, there is a correlation between Type 2 diabetes, obesity and erectile dysfunction. Diabetic men who also experience problems related to erectile dysfunction have a tendency to be obese. The study also showed that problem of erectile dysfunction can be curbed up to large extent by reducing weight and bringing the body Read more


Risk Of Liver Disease Can Be Increased By Obesity

Obesity accelerates the rate of cirrhosis progression, according to the suggestion of an NIH-funded multicenter study. With sequence to the fact researchers from the Europe and US have found that increment of BMI or Body Mass Index itself is one of the independent predictor of the clinical de-compensation in patients, which can even compensated independent Read more


Obesity Causes Early Death In American Women

A new study result showed that obesity was a leading cause of early death in American women. This was true for women who did not smoke and come from the low-income group. The study was conducted with 3600 women in the age group between 45 years and 64 years and were studied were twenty-eight years. Read more


Big Babies Need Not Be Healthy Babies – says Report by National Academy of Sciences

Contrary to general perception, researches have now revealed that babies that are born big need not necessarily be healthy. They are at a higher risk of facing health problems like diabetes and obesity. A majority of babies that are born overweight end up being obese in their youth. Further, babies who put on abnormal weight Read more


Obesity – Cause for Damage of Brain Cells

Obesity damages brain cells Obesity is one of the main concerns of today. According to the researchers in the United States, the intake of high calorie diet leads to injury of neurons in the brain that play a vital role in controlling of body weight. Strategies have to be developed to reduce this problem. Case Read more


Rising Cases of Obesity is a Matter of Concern

Everybody is attentive of the many health risks of being obese, not to mention the great effort to carry out everyday tasks, and the subtle, yet well-established, social discrimination those carrying extra weight deal with every day. Still, regardless of all this, an annual report has stated that the obesity rate in the United States Read more


Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes Are Visible Before Pregnancy

Diagnosing gestational diabetes before pregnancy According to latest research by Kaiser Permanente, risks of gestational diabetes can be diagnosed almost seven years prior to conception. Gestational diabetes is the diabetes that pregnant women contract. However, after delivery, the blood sugar comes back to normal and the woman can lead a normal life. Nevertheless, the diabetes Read more


Psoriasis Is a Major Risk for Obese Children

Rising risk of obesity Obesity is one of the growing concerns in the world today. With a largely passive lifestyle and addiction to unhealthy processed and junk food, children are more susceptible putting on unhealthy weight than ever before. The side effects of obesity have been revealing themselves as researches are focused on them. According Read more


Frequently Asked Question in the Matter of HCG Diet

There are so many methods in losing the weight. Yes, indeed, weight reduction has become global phenomenon by considering the huge amount of the people who are suffering from the overweight condition. Well, for your information, at the last ten years, the people who had obesity were about one person from ten. However, at this Read more