Babies should visit Dentist before second birthday

For most people, going to the dentist is a privilege since many tend not to give much importance about dental care.  They think that it is unimportant since their first concern is the food that they are eating.  Once they got a stable job, then that is the right time for them to have a Read more


Children needed to spend time outside their house to be healthy

According to some researches playing outside helps children to be healthier; in Whales, many of the children their does not know what to do outside of their homes. Almost all the time, the children are spending their time son computer games and watching television. The National Trust in Wales worries about the lack of time Read more


Effects of Prenatal Smoking on Child Neurodevelopment Might be Worse than Feared

In a recent study conducted by researchers, the latter found out those babies, who come from smoking mother, while giving birth maybe subjected to delays on developing their neurological development.  The new study also found out that the effect on the newly born child is stronger than what researchers earlier thought. Based on the study, Read more


Social Media Presents a Good and Bad Effect for Teenagers

Social media have both negative and positive impact among users. A person who uses Internet more frequently has some mental disorder.  The positive effect for using such technology is that those people, who prefer to communicate through social media shows more concern for their online peers than people, who are not into social media. Psychology Read more


A single text message can save lives

If you think that a text message could only be useful for communicating with your love ones, then better think again.  In Kenya, an ordinary text message can save the lives of children suffering from malaria.  Malaria takes more than hundred thousand of children each year. The latest six-month long study got published in the Read more


Brest Feeding Can Save The Life Of 20,000 Child

A new survey has stated if 90% of mothers gives their child only breast milk for the next sixth months then more than 20,000 of death under the age of five years can be prevented every year, but the shocking fact is that only 30 percent of mothers are following this. With the respect to Read more


Mobile Dental Unit makes dental care for children in a rural area possible

In the County of Chautauqua, there are about thirteen percent families living in the area belongs to the less fortunate.  In spite of this, there are no dentists to help them when they are suffering from tooth related problems. It is obvious that money is the main concern.  In today’s world, no one will work Read more


Pets are not linked with nasal allergy

In the old days, people tend to shy away from owning a dog or cat simply because they do not want their family to ha an allergy.  A recent study about allergies shows that people should not stay away from cat and dogs. Researchers found that out that children exposed to animals at an early Read more


Heavy teens need to spend time with Pediatrician

A new research form California suggested that Pediatricians should not missed each chance to talk about nutrition, exercise, and emotional issues with overweight teens. Study author Dr. Carolyn Bradner Jasik says focusing on the issue of overweight teens.  Helps the doctor, on putting a stop on unhealthy behavior an earlier time, before it is too Read more


Under Five Years Children Need At Least Three Hours Of Exercise A Day

In order to curb the ever growing worldwide obesity of epidemic, the honorable chief medical officer from Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales have bounded themselves together for issuing the new guidelines for the healthy toddler physical activity.


Secondhand smoking results to the mental-health problem

According to two studies published in the August edition of the journal Pediatrics, kids exposed to secondhand smoking while growing up will likely become  smoker themselves when they grow older. In the US, there are around 5 million children exposed to secondhand smoking putting them at risk for diseases like asthma, ear infections, and sudden Read more


Secondhand Smoking Is Directly Linked Up With Development Of Children Behavior

As we all be aware of the fact that secondhand smoking exposure is directly linked up with some diseases like ear problems, asthma, breathing issues in children, sudden infant death syndrome etc. Also the emerging evidence regarding this have found that there somewhere may a correlation between secondhand smoke exposure and a less physical issue Read more