Health conscious people often resolve to eating salads. They believe that it has fewer calorie thus will help them to get the body that they are dreaming off. However, salads do not work that way. Manuel Villacort, who is the national media spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association also a certified specialist is sports dietetics Read more
Archive : Dietary
Atkins-like Diet Is a Help for Epilepsy Patients
In a latest revelation, researchers at Legacy Research Institute, under the leadership of Detlev Boison, in Portland, have said that eating high fat, low carbohydrate and high protein diet, which is also called a Ketogenic diet or Atkins-like diet, can help people who suffer from epilepsy. Researchers have announced that an Atkins like diet helps Read more
Low-fat Foods May Not Equivalent To Weight Loss Diet, Says Experts
In the present time all of us want to reduce our weight by reducing body fat and due to that we are trying many thinks such as balanced diet, low fat food, exercise and many more. But do you know that fat substance could even make your fat? Hope this is a shocking news to Read more
Low Fat Diet Can Be a Guard against Alzheimer
Stay fit to stay away from Alzheimer’s disease Staying fit and maintaining healthy weight can save you against Alzheimer’s disease, according to latest findings. The study was conducted by the head of Alzheimer’s Research, Dr. Simon Ridley. The study found a direct correlation between a low fat diet and incidence of signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Read more
Dark Chocolates Good for Health – Just Don’t consume Too Much !
Have you always been searching for a reason to include a little sweet to your healthy diets? It is certain that people feel guilty for cheating on their low calorie diet that is for sure. You probably even start backsliding and cheat more often after you give in just once. There is great news, that Read more
Eating Red Meat Is Bit Risky For Your Healthy Heart
This news may sound a bit disappointing for the red meat lovers. We all know how essential the food or diet is for our human heart, or at least we should know. Everyday there are some kind of report or news coming about this. We get bombarded with lots of information about it. Even though Read more
Frequently Asked Question in the Matter of HCG Diet
There are so many methods in losing the weight. Yes, indeed, weight reduction has become global phenomenon by considering the huge amount of the people who are suffering from the overweight condition. Well, for your information, at the last ten years, the people who had obesity were about one person from ten. However, at this Read more