Quitting Smoking During Pregnancy Explained

For those expecting mothers who are still smoking, it would be wise to stop smoking since they are pregnant because it may cause some defect for their expecting child. Once that, they are thinking of halting smoking, they are on their first step to protecting the health of the baby. Smoking has devastating effects on the baby during pregnancy and after the delivery. Being Read more


Partying Drinking And Work Pressure Make Students Remember Smoking Habits

According to the findings of a new study conducted by the researchers at the University of Missouri excess party culture, drinking habits and more over, the work pressure provoke college students to stick to take to smoking. The researchers during the study in 2006 to 2008 found that students jump to smoking generally at the Read more


Low Nicotine Experimental Cigarettes To Help Quit Smoking

Tobacco is very injurious to health. Not that we don’t know that but it is very difficult for smokers to quit smoking. For those people who want to quit smoking but failing again and again to do that a research company in North Carolina has invented Experimental Cigarettes that have 97 percent less nicotine content. Read more


Smokers, who suffers from mental illness need someone to help them quit smoking

People suffering from mental illness, who are also a chain smoker, are five times more likely to quitting smoking with the aid of someone. According to research from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Centre, those people who has a mental problem can benefit from smoking-cessation counseling provided by their initial care physicians as this results Read more


Txt2stop – Helping To Quit Smoking More Faster

A new kind of study has been developed earlier which is sending supportive and motivational text messages to the people who are now trying to give up smoking, so, the researchers are now expecting that their this move must double their quit smoking rates. This new kind of trial was led by the London School Read more