New Rule to Track Consumption of Prescribed Drugs

Most people do not follow the medications It is common knowledge that the credit rating agencies track the credit scores of the American citizens. Similarly, a new company is planning to track the consumption patterns of patients who are prescribed certain medications. The irregular usage of medications by nearly sixty-seven percent of the population results Read more


Air Pollution May Trigger Heart Attacks

A team of researchers in the Italy stated “Increasing of the air pollution day by day looking like an uptick in the area of hospital admission for heart attack.” The above finding was published in the American Journal Of Epidemiology which stated that high pollution days might trigger the heart attack in some of the Read more


Smoking In Pregnancy Might Be Causing Changes To Unborn Child

On Tuesday the scientists says that the mothers who smokes at the period of her pregnancy may even lead their unborn child towards a change which can even lead their unborn child towards less of a type of cholesterol that generally a well-known sign of protection against heart disease.


Additional Focus on Self-Care Can Reap Huge Savings in Healthcare Costs

Self-care can convert to substantial savings The American people can save fifty million visits per annum to primary healthcare providers by focusing on self-care. In addition, an amount of five billion dollars annually can be saved with an effective method of consuming over-the-counter medications. These conclusions were found in a new study that was undertaken Read more


Rocking Hammocks Beat Stationary Beds For A Soothing Sleep

According to a study conducted by researchers in Switzerland who believed have discovered the science behind belief that rocking induces sleep, the swinging action of rocking hammock induces brain’s natural sleep rhythms which is not possible in stationary beds. According to an article published in Current Biology, if brain’s spindle activity is increased, rocking would Read more


Synthetic Fats Lead to more Gain in Weight than Natural Fats

Fake fat is a synthetic fat, which acts as a substitute for natural fat. It tastes like the natural fat but is low on calories. In a study, due to appear on the internet in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience, rats were fed with high fat diet and with potato chips made of fake fats. It Read more


Cigarette Packs to comes with Warning Labels – Corpse, Rotting Teeth

Images like corpse as well as cancerous lungs and including other nine graphics warning will be added with the cigarette packets in the U.S from the next year, which the tobacco companies already start placing. In this respect Food and Drug Administration said “The labels need to be placed under a 2 year old tobacco Read more


Cocaine May Cause Silent Heart Damage

A recent study has found that the usage of cocaine can silently damages user’s hearts, not only that it may even lead them towards heart attack as well as sudden death also. Few days ago the researchers found that near about 83 percent of long term cocaine users are suffering from a structural damages to Read more


New Antibiotic for Tuberculosis ( Transitmycin ) could even fight some of HIV forms

Scientists’ Belief Scientists, at Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC), Chennai, teamed with local fishermen, were searching since 2008 from the sea and the deserts on the shore to explore some chemical mixtures that could be mixed in the tuberculosis drugs to fight it off. At last, after collecting 55 samples of coral sea-soil, they declared that Read more


Driving May Lead To Skin Cancer-As UV Study Stated

Researchers at the University Of Washington say that people in US, generally more chance for developing deadly forms of skin cancer on the left parts of their bodies, though it entirely depends on their actual style of drive.


FDA Approves New Hip Replacement System

U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved, on 14th June, 2011, a ceramic-on-metal hip replacement system and the treatment has been particularly sanctioned for people facing osteoarthritis.  The decision has been based upon strong research supporting the superiority of the ceramic-on-metal system over other popular methods like metal-on-metal, and ceramic-on-ceramic replacements. This marks Read more


Rate Of Cancer Death Is Much More Higher Among Less Affluent

A study stated that the people who lived below poverty line in England were more likely die from cancer than those who were coming from affluent background. Here is not over, the researchers also compared on the basics on five different economic groups that the patients whose survival rate between 2004 and 2007 were generally Read more