Many Useful Benefits of Figs Revealed

We all like to eat figs more or less. Figs are found in its dried form throughout the year. The matter of fact is that it tastes better in its dried form. Figs contain vitamins A, B and many essential minerals including phosphorus, calcium, iron and manganese that help building our body. A recent study Read more


Apples Can Lead To Heavy Dental Damage

Breaking all our former beliefs about the goodness of Apple some respected researchers have claimed that eating one apple everyday may force to consult dentist. We have a conventional thinking about the food value of apples that eating one apple everyday keep us away from many kinds of diseases; but the study led by the Read more


15 Months Old Babies Gets Touched By Unfairness

Scientists after a recent study have claimed that babies even at the very little age of 15 months get touched by fairness and sharing. Some of the babies become disturbed by unequal and unfair sharing, while some babies become disturbed by the opposite. That simply means that from the very little age the difference of Read more


Eating Fiber Rich Food Reduce Risk of Heart Diseases

Researchers after a recent study have claimed that those teenagers who eat plenty of green vegetables and whole grains have fewer chances of diabetes and heart diseases. But they have also mentioned if teenagers continue to eat foods full of cholesterol then eating extra fiber rich foods will give no result. Joe Carlson who is Read more


Researchers Question the Efficiency of Exercise Referral System

Latest research has raised questions regarding the efficiency of the existing system of exercise referrals. Exercise has been recognized as one of the most effective ways of obtaining enhanced health benefits. However, the referral system that is currently in existence had been questioned regarding efficiency. The study has also suggested that better system of referrals Read more


Working Mother’s Children More Likely To Be Unhealthy

Children of full time working mothers are often less healthier than children of non working or part time working mothers, a recent lifestyle study has claimed. The mentioned study was conducted by Assocham. The study has proved that among every 100 women 56 women are such that they have children with various diseases like obesity Read more


Overcooked Meat Leads To Cancer

It has been known to all of us that over cooked meat can cause cancer. But a recent study has proved that the risk is twice more than it was thought before. After the study the researchers have found that the dark crust that gets formed on a steak of overcooked red meat can lead Read more


Excess Hair On Chin Refers To Excess Male Hormone In Women

We often find hair on chins of some women. A recent study has claimed that some women suffer from growing hair on their chin and abdomen because of excess male hormone secretion in their body. Researchers have mentioned that the easiest way to find out whether a woman has excess male hormone in her body Read more


New Finds About the Reaction of Skin to UV Radiation

According to researchers, tanning is not just a superficial reaction. The exact reaction between the skin and the radiation from the sun still largely remains a mystery. The reactions that go on in the skin are more complex. It has come to light that detection of UV radiation by the skin takes place through a Read more


Smallpox Vaccine destroys Cancer Cells

A new finding claims that cancer can be treated with smallpox vaccine. A genetically engineered smallpox vaccine lessened the risk of death for patients with complex liver cancer by almost 60 percent in a mid-stage study, which prompts the launch of a later-stage trial. Scientists at institutions, which includes the University of California, San Diego, and privately held biotech company Jennerex Inc presented Phase 2 trial data Read more


Consuming Nuts Can Lead To Many Healthy Changes

The risk of type 2 diabetes and the some kinds of heart diseases can be reduced simply by eating nuts, scientists after a recent study has disclosed that. The study has claimed that eating one ounce of raw unpeeled walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts together every day can cut down the risk of various kinds of Read more


Conjoined twins successfully separated

Everyone is happy as the conjoined twins from the Philippines had a successful surgery. Doctor manages to separate the twins safely. The operation got conducted by 20 surgeons with around 15 to 20 staff at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital worked for 10 hours so that they could separate Angelina from Angelica Sabuco. The twins had spent most of their lives so far Read more