Fish Consumption Lowers Diabetes Risk

Nowadays diabetes has become a common threat to people. A huge portion of the total population of Earth is suffering from diabetes or likely to develop diabetes. Researchers are finding hardly the cure of diabetes as well as the ways of keeping diabetes away. A study conducted most recently has claimed that by eating fish Read more


Metformin Lowers Ovarian Cancer Risk

After a recent study researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland have claimed that a commonly used drug by the patients of type 2 diabetes reduces the risk of developing Ovarian Cancer. The drug named the metformin cuts down the risk of ovarian cancer, reported the researcher. For the sake of the study they Read more


Intensive Therapy Reduce Kidney Failure Risk

After a recent study the researchers group of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) has suggested that people, who have gone through intensive therapy to ease down Type 1 diabetes have less chances of developing kidney diseases in later time. In compared to people, who have Read more


Obesity Is Rising Among Children In India

After a recent study researchers have disclosed the fact that obesity is rising rapidly among school children in India due to their heavy consumption of Junk Foods. Presently 15 to 21 per cent Indian school children are obese, according to the study. The researchers have also charged the sedentary life style led by children for Read more


Dry Mouth That Is Characteristic of Radiation Therapy Can Be Prevented By Acupuncture

Radiation therapy is given to people suffering from neck and head cancers. Although very effective, this therapy produces certain undesirable side effects, the most prominent among them being the dry mouth syndrome. The mouth feels excessively dry. The problem is called xerostomia. According to the latest research carried out by Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Read more


Researchers Proved Excessive Iron To Be Harmful For Babies

After a recent study researchers from Chile has mentioned in some cases if children, already having high levels of hemoglobin in blood are fed iron fortified formula, show weaker performance in thinking and memory test in comparison with children who get low iron formula. According to the study result published in the Archives of Pediatrics Read more


Fatherhood Can Bring Positive Changes In Men

A recent study has proved that being father can bring many good changes in men. Fatherhood makes men so responsible that they often quit bad habits like smoking, drinking, taking unnecessary risks etc. The respected researchers from the Oregon State University in the United States after the study have claimed that men after becoming dad Read more


Smiling Can Cause To Look Younger

Almost every woman wants to look young all the time. That’s why they keep trying face lift treatment or anti aging creams to hold on to the young look. But to their utter surprise a recent study has claimed that not any face lift treatment or anti aging cream but a smile can store the Read more


Contradiction to the Theory That Creatures with Larger Brains Have Smaller Intestines Established

It was an accepted theory that creatures that have bigger brains have smaller intestines in order to divert energy to the brain. This is also evidenced in apes that have smaller brains and hence, larger intestines than humans. Latest research, however, has disapproved this theory and established that creatures with bigger brains do not necessarily Read more


High Fiber Food is a Good Remedy to Avoid Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer can be avoided by consuming a high fiber food, according to latest research. Grains, especially whole grains and cereals can be a very effective remedy against colorectal cancer. This cancer is the cancer that attacks the rectum and colon region of the body. The research was carried out by researchers in Holland and Read more


Web Based Exercise Programs Are Not Enough

A recent study in Netherlands has claimed that the line of web exercise sessions that are prescribed to encourage eating and physical activity do not stop middle school students to put on extra weight. The study result appeared in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. The study engaged nearly 900 students from the middle Read more


Studies Highlight Cost Revelations Required To Treat Advanced Stage Liver Diseases

New studies conducted by Henry Ford hospital has brought to light that the cost of treating advanced stage liver diseases is two and a half times greater than the cost of treating the same disease in the initial stage. This is the first study that has taken up the study of health care cost in Read more