Women Bone Density May Be Cut By The Birth Control Pills

A new study has formed by the scientists of Group Health Research Institute or GHRI, which has found that birth control pills may reduce the density of bones. This study also showed that the ultimate impacts of the bone were much more smaller, which varies with the woman’s age and the pills hormone dose.


Bigger Bites Is Directly Linked Up With Less Eating

Usually when we go to the restaurant then we always wish to take more foods, which has become a tradition now days. But a new research has stated surprisingly that these bigger bites can even lead you towers less eating. By keeping the link with this fact Arul Mishra, Himanshu Mishra and Tamara M. Masters, Read more


In 70% Cases Gene Directly Links Up With Breast Cancers

Various scientists all over the world have claimed that they identified a specific gene which involves with 70 percent of cases of breast cancer that can even act as a resistant to hormone therapies. This research, which has published at the ‘Nature’ journal’, has adopted a new technique which is quite being able to test Read more


Low Doses Of Alcohol Intake Can Damage Your Heart Function

This has proved earlier that moderate to high amount of alcohol can engage with the LV or left ventricular of heart performance, but now a new study has formed little day earlier which has broadcasted intake alcohol in a low amount can even acute effects on the heart. It can even leave its mark on Read more


A Glass Of Milk Can Even Act Like A Painkiller

Varies scientists have stated earlier that a glass of milk is associating with a cocktail of up to 20 painkillers, growth hormones and antibiotics. Eventually Daily Mail has reported that to justify the fact the scientists already performed a sensitive test, where they found a huge amount of chemicals were generally used to treat illness Read more


Tea Without Milk- A Good Recipe For Weight Loss

Do you want to lose your weight? Then fist, you should avoid adding milk with your tea, because scientists have already discovered that the components of tea contains high levels of compounds, that is enough be able to reduce the fat, though, they have also found that cow milks contains proteins, which may destroy this Read more


Diesel Exhaust Increases The Heart Attack Risk

A new research has shown while the diesel burns, then many chemical particle produces, which are too much harmful, in the sense that it increases the chance of forming the blood clots in the arteries. If this happens then you are in a risk of developing heart attack or stroke.


Big Breakfast Never Lose Weight

Eating big break first may not lose your weight, but aside from that it may help you to gain more weight also. This new research has already proved earlier findings wrong, those stated that eating a big breakfast reduced the entire intake of the calorie all over the day. This study has also suggested those Read more


Type2 Diabetes May Up The Stroke or Heart Attack Risk

A recent study has proved that type 2 diabetes is involved directly with an increase risk of cardiovascular event or recurrent stroke, in between those patients who already have had an ischemic stroke or attack or TIA earlier.


Try Sleeping On Your Left Side During Pregnancy Period

A study has formed little day earlier which has stated that sleeping on the left side during the period of pregnancy is much more beneficial for women, because it helps a lot to avoid still birth risk. To justify the entire fact the researchers from the University of Auckland had compared 155 women who had Read more


Indoor Pollution May Ups The Women Cardio Risk

Near about all the women likes to practice cooking at home. But, you must know the fact that during the period of cooking with cow or wood millions of fine particles of air pollution are formed inside the house, which can even lead them towards premature death and lung disease. Globally Biomass fuels have become Read more


The Sun Beats The Sunscreen

An honorable skin cancer doctor stated “Applying the sunscreen in appropriate amount and staying out of the sun jointly reduce the rate of skin cancer than any other SPF 50 sunscreen.” In this case, Standards Australia stated yesterday that due to the consumer demand and citing public interest on using the sunscreen the authority of Read more