Exercise and Chocolate do mix together

Here, is fantastic news for all those chocolate lovers out there wanting to lose some weight, but told by some that they needed to stay away from their favorite food.  Anyone who needs to lose weight can still indulge themselves on chocolates. Those people belonging to the overweight and obese class, who ten added a Read more


Obesity Gets a New Drug – Those Which Treat Tumors

A drug that is used to suppress tumors of colorectal cancer can help in fighting obesity, as per latest reports. Obesity is fast turning out to be an epidemic. With an increase in sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and food habits and low physical activity, obesity is turning out to as major a risk as heart Read more


Eating the Right Kinds of Food Can Lower Bad Cholesterol

Latest research has revealed that eating certain kinds of food can significantly lower your bad cholesterol level. Bad cholesterol, known technically as LDL, is harmful on the heart and causes several dangers to the body. The study was undertaken in the University of Toronto and the research team was led by David Jenkins from St. Read more


Marriage Has a Profound Effect on Weight and the Effect Varies With the Gender

According to latest research, marriage and divorce seem to have a profound effect on weight. The most interesting part is that the effects are reversed in the case of both genders. It has been observed that while women notice an increase in their waistlines after marriage, men begin to put on weight after divorce.


Single dies younger

If you are one of those people, who are still single even though already in the right age to be married then you should read this news.  This would change your way of thinking about living a happy single life.  You might die younger compared to your peers, who already got married. Assistant professor of Read more


Russell Means suffering from Cancer

Russell Means has met face to face with Death before.  There  are lots of time wherein he manages to escape death in his lifetime.  Now, he is facing the greatest hindrance in his life since he has  cancer. The Native American actor from cancer of the throat, the cancer has already gotten to his tongue, Read more


Sleep On Your Back If You Want Good Rest

It has proved earlier that night sleep is too much important because it contains a numerous health benefits, but in general most of the people often distracts from getting a good sleep at night because they do they know the know the exact sleep position. A recent study has stated that the best position of Read more


Prenatal Stress Can Even Pass Across Generations

A new study have formed recently on the mice which have stated that the exposure of early stress during the period of early pregnancy can even leave a long term change in the body, not only that it can be even passed across the generation. Through out the study the researchers have also concluded that Read more


A Glass Of Wine Can Shed Your Weight

As we all know the dirking too much of alcohol is directly linked up with increased risk of fat, cancer, higher sugar level as well as other body related problems, but you all will be shocked to know that a fresh study have stated that moderate intake of wine is quiet being able to shedding Read more


Morning Smoking Harms Too Much

A new guideline for the daily smokers, who usually love to smoke as soon as wake up from the bed – earlier smoking can increase the risk of suffering from lung, neck and head cancer than those smokers, who in general love to smoke later. In order to prove why earlier smoking boosts the risk Read more


The New Window Into Brain Has Discovered

A team of scientists have claimed that they have discovered an intriguing new window into the human brain with the use of help of a visual system – in short they have stated that this finding is quite being able to manage several disorders such as epilepsy and insomnia. With the sequence to the fact Read more


Do 15 Minutes Daily Exercise And Extend Your Life By 3 Years

A newly formed large study in Taiwan has suggested “If you wish to do 15 minutes of exercise daily then it can add your 3 years of more lifetimes.” The researchers have also stated in general most of the people are often suffering at the time of maintaining 30 minutes of daily exercise guideline and Read more