Cancer Patients Can Get Some Relief From Music

A freshly made study has stated that listening to music is quiet well to alive anxiety in cancer patients; on the other hand it always left some positive effects on their mood, quality and pain of life. To make sure about that fact the researchers in the Cochrane systematic review have involved more than 1,891 Read more


A Low Carb Diet Can Provide You A Perfect Skin

As we already know that cutting of back on curbs can do its work as wander for your muffin top. But now a new research has shown that eating of less white bread, rice, pasta and surgery food can be a good option for your complexion too. With the sequence to the fact in an Read more


Teenage Pregnancy Concept Comes From Families

The report of a new study, which has published in the Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, has shown that in general young women, whose sister had given a teenage birth, can give birth themselves at a younger age. In this regard a team of researchers from Britain and Norwegian have found that the chances Read more


DNA Tests Can Measure New Born Sex Within 7 Week

DNA test in pregnant woman can even tell the sex of the baby, according to an US research. A team of researchers from US has stated that DNA test with the help of the pregnant women blood quit successfully measures the original sex of the new born baby after seven weeks of gestation, but don’t Read more


Low Radiation CT Scan Can Reduce The Cancer Risk

On Monday a low radiation of CT scan has been launched at the city hospital which is enough being able to reduce the risk of cancer through its controlled radiation. According to the doctors of that Sir Ganga Ram Hospital it is very cleared that this equipment, 128-Slice CT Scanner, is associated with quite potentialities Read more


Oral Sex – The Key Factor Of Throat Cancer

A team of researchers have now made their statement, which has stated that oral sex is the main reason behind throat cancer in the people of under 50 years age, because at the time of doing oral sex a virus spreads into the area of throat, which causes throat cancer. Through out their entire study Read more


Exact Reasons Behind Fed Tumor Cells

This happen first time in the world, while a team of scientists has discovered the exact way how the cells of tumors are getting fed. Moreover they have also shown how their growth can also be slowed down by cutting the entire blood supply of that area. With the sequence to the above fact a Read more


Genetic Errors Behind Schizophrenia

A new research has claimed that in general more than 50 percent of sporadic cases of schizophrenia happens due to the de novo, which is a protein altering mutations. This kind of genetic errors are presence in the patients while he have been suffering from schizophrenia, but this do not come in their body from Read more


Sausage Skin – Developed To Prevent Diabetes

British Scientists have now developed an implanted sleeve skin which is looking like a giant sausage skin. In matter of the skin, with this skin they have claimed that this skin is quite being able to cure diabetes. With sequence to the fact John Mason, the team leader of this study of the Trafford Healthcare Read more


New Test To Detect Early Kidney Disorder

A team of health investigators have stated that the entire risk of cardiac disorders, which in general happens due to the kidney diseases, can now be reduced just by an X-ray which will help by detecting those at an early stage. AK Bhalla, a co- chairman as well as senior consultant of the department of Read more


Smaller Bowls And Plates – The Hidden Mystery Of Weight Loss

You can reduce unwanted pounds just by doing a simple task – eating from smaller bowls and plates, according to a new survey. To link up with that upper statement the lead author of this study Brian Wansink, from the Cornell University, have said “Practically people do not think that even the size of bowl Read more


The Longer you Love, The Longer you Live

Falling in love is good both for the body and mind as it makes one happy. When people are happy their body works better since they do not have anything to worry. The first few days of falling in love are a dizzying experience, since we tend to suffer from fast heartbeat and sweaty palms Read more