New Treatment For Childhood Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor, which develops from the nerve tissue in infants and children. This type of cancer affects six to ten percent of cancers found in children. Some children regress immediately while some others progress even after undergoing aggressive treatment. The life span of patients in the longer run is forty percent.


New Drugs for Prostate Cancer Are Costly

Researchers have found new drugs that may benefit in treating men who are diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. However, the new drugs are estimated to add several billions to the country’s medical bill. In the last fifteen months, the Foods and Drugs Administration have approved three new medications and there are several other drugs that Read more


American Women’s Independence Comes At The Cost Of Their Health

Almost sixty-four percent of American women are more independent than they were five years ago. The biggest progress is seen in their careers (65%), education (55%), and politics (46%). However, when a survey was undertaken almost half the women (47%) felt that the society puts a higher value to the health of the American men Read more


Social Networking Has Become Bigger Concern Than Diet

A recent survey has declared that social networking website like Facebook and Finances are a greater source of worry for the patients including the children who always concerns about his/ her diet as well as lifestyle. With the sequence to the fact and being a part of Mother and Children life a survey from the Read more


New Drug Treatment To Cut The Risk Of Heart Attack

In the present market a new clot-busting drug has approved in order to use in NHS, which is quite be able to cut the risk of dying after heart attack. In this drug Brilique has taken along with aspirin, which is much more suitable for those people who have been admitted to a hospital after Read more


Txt2stop – Helping To Quit Smoking More Faster

A new kind of study has been developed earlier which is sending supportive and motivational text messages to the people who are now trying to give up smoking, so, the researchers are now expecting that their this move must double their quit smoking rates. This new kind of trial was led by the London School Read more


Beautiful City of Lexington is the Laziest City in US

According to a survey, beautiful city of Lexington is ranked as the laziest city in the United States. This survey does not just ends here.  Indianapolis in Indiana and Jackson, Mississippi are also ranked among the least active states. This states that people among these areas are least active and do not involve them in physical Read more


Modern Day Physiotherapy Has Come To Rescue Mankind

A physical therapist, also identified as physiotherapist, may give therapy physically as well as by using either mechanical or electrical apparatus to aid in therapy and support the recovery process of his patients. The physiotherapy gear works on minimizing the pain besides healing and joints and muscles. Some equipment also makes the patient relaxed in Read more


Lean Individual Not Free From Heart Risks

Little time ago a research has published which stated that lean men and women in general cases are at low risk of metabolic condition than an overweight men and women. With the sequence to the fact an international team of scientists has already identified the gene IRS1. So, with the help of that they additionally Read more


Vitamin D Supplements Are Now Safe For Pregnant Women

A new research has found that using of Vitamin D at the period of pregnancy is too much effective and safer for both pregnant woman and their newborns, even though they consumed that at high amount. With the sequence to the fact Dr. Bruce Hollis, leader of this research of the Medical University of South Read more


Binge Drinking-Effects On Young Adults

The University of Cincinnati has made a study recently which has shown that binge drinking among the young adults and adolescents can even cause for serious damage to a brain that is still under development. The entire research team was carried out by researchers Tim McQueeny, who is a doctoral student in the UC Department Read more


Low Calorie Diet Can Help Annul Type 2 Diabetes

For the sufferers of Type 2 Diabetes, taking a diet which is very low in calories, can help curb their dwindling health, study says. According to the latest research having a diet for about a couple of months can stimulate the production of insulin by the body itself and thus by taking a low calorie Read more