Computers Are Not As Dangerous As the Television for the Heart

It is a known fact that exercise is necessary in order to enhance the cardiovascular health of a person. However, not participating in any kind of physical activity is not necessarily a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A study carried out at Queen’s University has brought to light that the risk to Read more


Sea Salt Not Good For Health

Sea salt although much costlier than table salt is no better thing to health. It is in fact an expensive way to the harm health, believe researchers. Table salt is 19 times cheaper than its buddy sea salt. Kay Dilley who is a nutritionist at Consensus Action on Salt and Health, abbreviated as CASH has Read more


Protein Not Carbohydrate Responsible For Being Energetic

Researchers after a recent study has claimed to prove our previous thinking that sugar in our body is responsible for Burning Calories and keeping us energetic and awake. They have claimed that not the sugar not protein is responsible to do so. That’s why they have proposed that if someone gets the chance to choose Read more


High Levels Of Vit-C Reduce Heart Disease Risk

A group of researchers from the University of Ulsan in South Korea after a recent study has claimed that people who have low amount of Vitamin C in their body are 2.4 times more prone to have high levels of a protein named hsCRP. hsCRP is responsible for developing inflammation or swelling and heart diseases Read more


Garlic Oil Can Heal Heart After Attack

A study lead by some researchers at the Emory University School of Medicine has disclosed that is a particular component in Garlic Oil that is capable of treating Heart After Attack. The component, namely the Diallyl trisulfide during Heart Surgery or during the treatment for Heart Failure delivers compounds to heal the damage of heart Read more


Soy Products May Prevent You From Lung Cancer

Researchers have claimed that people, who live on diets that include tofu or similar unfermented soy products, have fewer chances to develop lung cancer. Although the study has not yet proved that soy can protect people from Lung Cancer. It is scientifically proved that a compound found in soy, named the isoflavones slows down the Read more


Weak Workability Of Area Of Brain Responsible For Restless Legs Syndrome

A recent study conducted by the researchers at the Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) has claimed that Restless Legs Syndrome is caused by weak functioning of a particular portion of brain that controls body movements. The Restless Legs Syndrome is the name of a disorder that leads to unpleasant feelings in the limbs. In often flickers Read more


Large Percentage Of Women And Young Men Unaware Of Their Cardiac Diseases

Latest findings have revealed that a large percentage of women and young men are unaware of their health conditions until they are struck with a major problem. Among the 70% cases where patients were unaware of their cardiac condition, it was found that 60% were women and young men. Ironically, these two groups of people Read more


Palm Oil’s Confusing Effect On Cholesterol In Body

Some researchers of the Copenhagen University have claimed that consuming palmolein which is a liquid form of the palm oil is helpful to maintain low cholesterol levels in body. Although the researchers did not claim that high cholesterol levels are harmful for men, but they pointed out to a link between high cholesterol levels and Read more


Blood Group Might Influence Risk Of Stroke

Recent research has established a relation between risk related to strokes and blog group of the person. The study was carried on under the leadership of the Chief of Division in Preventive Medicine, Harvard Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dr. Joann Manson. The lead researcher is also a Professor of Epidemiology in Harvard School of Public Read more


Smoking In Pregnancy Causes Obesity In Baby

Obesity among the children of all over the world is increasing rapidly. Some researchers who were researching about the problem of obesity among children has claimed that from expecting mothers’ health behavior the obesity risk of their babies can be revealed. The study led by the researchers from the University of Montreal has disclosed that Read more


Body Movements Can Reveal States Of Mind And Detect Truth

Be careful! Your hips can reveal if you are lying. It may sounds strange, but it is true. Some researchers from the Swansea University have claimed that whether a person is telling a truth or not can be judged from his walking style. We can differentiate between his telling a truth and lying by identifying Read more