According to a recent study – person, who has gone through a weight lose surgery has less chances of heart attack. The researchers reviewed nearly 52 studies that include the records of 16867 patients, who had tried the weight lose surgery. After the surgery the patients reported to lose almost half of their weight. The Read more
Archive : heart attack
HDL Reduces Chances Of Stroke
There is a long term belief in common people that cholesterol should be a strict “no – no” if you want to dodge heart attack. But a study has proved almost a reverse theory most recently. According to the study one can cut out the chances of heart attack by boosting up the level of Read more
STRESS Can Lead To Serious Health Problems, Even Heart Disease
After running a recent survey about the most common cause showed in leave applications in Britain, researchers has found that it is stress, which compels maximum people to take long term leaves of four week or more in Britain. Doctors are now thinking that the particular psychological condition of stress has become so prevalent nowadays Read more
Study says Higher Testosterone Level lowers the risk of Heart Attack
According to a report from Reuters, elderly male with a high tester one level has a lower risk of heart attack compared to their counterpart with lower levels of the same hormone. Findings can be read in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The study showed that of 2,400 Swedish men in their Read more
Depression May Up The Risk Of Stroke In Women
A freshly made study has stated that depression can even increase the risk of stroke in women. In this regard the researchers of the Nurses’ Health Study have been monitoring many women for a six years period, after that they have concluded that a history of depression can even associated with near about 29 percent Read more
Exercise Can Help After Heart Attack
Earlier exercise with no rest can be treated as one of the best option after recovering from a heart attack. Because, now a new study has uncovered that has shown that the condition of the heart can be even better, if one prefer to choose exercise for a long time period. In this regard Mark Read more
Smoker Women Living With High Heart Disease Risks Than Man
In general the women, who smokes regularly, are living with 25 percent higher risk of developing heart disease compared with those man, who smokes regularly, according to the report of a new study. The scientists have also stated that in the toxins, which comes out from the burning of cigarette in general left a bad Read more
Heart Attack Might Occur Twice If Without Proper Care
Heart attack survivors never considered the fact that they are in danger of suffering from another heart attack in the same year and try to make critical lifestyle alterations, a survey has discovered. Some are taking medications without consulting their doctors first. Also, fails to attend rehabilitation program. Based on the findings from a Heart Read more
Little Bit of Exercise Can Reduce Risk of Coronary Heart Ailments
Latest studies have revealed that it is not how much exercise you do but the fact that you do perform at least a little bit of exercise that reduces risk of heart ailments. Although the more you do, the better for your heart, it has been proven that even minor amounts of exercises can help Read more
Leaving Daily Aspirin May Up The Risk Of Heart Attack
A new research has stated that the heart patients, who usually leave aspirin may two thirds more likely suffer from another risk of heart attack. Throughout, the entire study the team of researchers have found that in general near about half of the long term aspirin users are now started to leave aspirin against medical Read more
Type2 Diabetes May Up The Stroke or Heart Attack Risk
A recent study has proved that type 2 diabetes is involved directly with an increase risk of cardiovascular event or recurrent stroke, in between those patients who already have had an ischemic stroke or attack or TIA earlier.
High Aspirin Intake Can Save Diabetics from Heart Attacks
University of Alberta finds benefits in Aspirin Aspirin, when taken in high doses, can prevent or reduce the risk of heart attacks among those who are diabetic. The study was conducted by Canadian researchers and the results were found to be highly conclusive. Scot Simpson from the University of Alberta conducted the research. He headed Read more